Guiltless Pasta with Creamy Cauliflower Sauce – Faux-fredo! (Vegan & Gluten-free)

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All Photos © Christine Elise McCarthy 2013

To see images of my past posts & get links to the recipes – look on my Pinterest board – HERE.

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All my posts now have a VERY customizable PRINT & PDF option.  Create a PDF & save the recipe to your computer or print it out.  It offers a “remove images” option & you can delete any part of the post you do not need before printing.  The button is below by the Twitter & Facebook links.

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OK – this is EEEEEASY to make & can be vegan or not.  I added some shaved Parmesan as garnish – mainly to make it pretty to look at.  I also added a tiny bit to the sauce but it is completely unnecessary so – you can either skip it or use a vegan cheese.  I chose not to add any other dairy (real or vegan) to the sauce but it would likely have delivered an even creamier result.  This is plenty creamy & plenty flavorful – so I did not see the point in adding calories.

I also made it with a gluten-free quinoa pasta.  Regular pasta, especially a fettuccine, would be delightful, too.

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Guiltless Pasta with Creamy Cauliflower Sauce – Faux-fredo!

Serves 2


1/2 lb pasta – gluten-free or otherwise

1/2 head cauliflower – cut up into flats or florets

4 garlic cloves (or to taste) – chopped

2 tsp Dijon mustard

Olive oil

About 1/2 cup of vegetable stock

1/4 cup Grated Parmesan or vegan alternative (optional)

S&P to taste

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Heat a TBS or two of olive oil in a large saute pan.  Add the garlic & saute for 30 seconds.  Be careful not to burn or brown the garlic.  Add the stock & the cut up cauliflower.  The stock will not cover the cauliflower.  Bring it to a boil & then reduce heat.   Simmer, covered, for about 10-15 minutes or until the cauliflower is very tender.

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Put the cauliflower & stock in a food processor and add the Dijon & cheese (if you are using cheese).  Blend until very smooth.  You might want to add more stock or water to thin it a bit.  Add S&P to taste.  I added lots & lots of pepper.  You can add heavy cream or a vegan alternative for an even creamier result.  Return this puree to the saute pan & simmer on low while you cook your pasta.

Drain the pasta & toss with the sauce & go to town!  Add more freshly ground pepper or some grated Parmesan if you want.  Mmmmm!

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Easy, Lite & Creamy Vegan Cauliflower Hummus Dip

1 Comment

All Photos © Christine Elise McCarthy 2013

To see images of my past posts & get links to the recipes – look on my Pinterest board – HERE.

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All my posts now have a VERY customizable PRINT & PDF option.  Create a PDF & save the recipe to your computer or print it out.  It offers a “remove images” option & you can delete any part of the post you do not need before printing.  The button is below by the Twitter & Facebook links.




It’s Christmas!!!!  Make yourselves a cocktail & whip together this easy & low calorie dip!  It has a very Indian food flavor profile so expect that more than a traditional hummus.

I know you have lots going on today & I do, too, so I will get right to the point.  HAPPY CHRISTMAS!


Creamy Vegan Cauliflower Hummus Dip

1 head cauliflower – steamed or boiled until tender

2 TBS tahini

2 TBS olive oil plus extra for drizzling

4 garlic cloves

juice of 1 lemon

1 tsp sriracha (or other hot sauce) – optional

1/4 tsp each of: salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, cumin & paprika

Crackers, chips, pita or veggies for dipping



Blend everything together in a food processor or blender.  You might need a bit of water or more olive oil to get it really creamy.  Taste it & adjust the spices & sriracha if you think it needs more of some of them.  Put it in a serving bowl & drizzle with a bit of olive oil & some additional paprika.

