6-Ingredient Wheat Berry Salad with Peas, Mint & Feta (Vegetarian or Vegan)

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All Photos © Christine Elise McCarthy 2016

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Wheat berries – crunchy & healthy & tasty!  If you don’t like or cannot find wheat berries – use any other grain like couscous, quinoa, rice – whatever.  It is all about the peas & mint.  I used real feta here but I also made a version with this vegan cheese below & it was just as delicious.

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6-Ingredient Wheat Berry Salad with Peas, Mint & Feta (Vegetarian or Vegan)

Serves 4 as a side dish


1 cup uncooked wheat berries (or other grain)

2 cups fresh peas (or frozen)

1/4 lb feta (or vegan cheese) – crumbled

1/4 cup fresh mint – chopped

1/8 cup olive oil

1/8 cup apple cider vinegar


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Cook the wheat berries or other grain.  Add the FRESH peas about 4-5 minutes before the grains are done to soften the peas.  If using frozen – add them in the last minute or 2.

Run the wheat berries & peas under cool water to stop their cooking then toss with the other ingredients.  Season with S&P.

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