Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Garbanzo Garlic Sauce & Tomatoes

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All Photos © Christine Elise McCarthy 2013

To see images of my past posts & get links to the recipes – look on my Pinterest board – HERE.


This is so delicious & so easy – I cannot recommend highly enough that you give it a try.  I used a LOT of crushed red pepper & lots of garlic & the dish was genuinely spicy.  You might want to reduce the quantities of these to suit your own taste.  Also – I made this – as usual – from whatever ingredients I had handy which included half a lemon & about a cup of some kind of peppercorn Pecorino or something that looked like this (image pilfered off Google):


It was a bit creamier than a Pecorino and it was really pungent.  It went very well in this recipe but a Parmesan or feta would work, too.  I am just gonna go ahead & list the recipe with Parmesan but you could use a blend & experiment, if you like.



Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Garbanzo Garlic Sauce & Tomatoes


36 oz vegetable (or other) stock

2 tomatoes – diced

8 garlic cloves – minced & divided (or less – to taste)

1 29oz can Garbanzo beans (chickpeas) – drained

3 TBS olive oil

1 TBS crushed red pepper (or less – to taste)

1 cup grated Parmesan (or feta or other richly flavored cheese)

3 TBS lemon juice

3 TBS parsley – chopped

1 TBS basil – chopped

1 lb whole wheat pasta

S&P to taste

More grated Parmesan for garnish

More chopped parsley and/or basil as garnish



Cook the pasta as per the directions.

Heat the olive oil in a large saute pan.  Add 6 of the minced garlic cloves, crushed red pepper & saute a minute or two.  Set a handful of garbanzos aside for garnish later.  Add the remaining garbanzo beans & the stock.  Bring to a boil & then simmer for about 15 minutes.  Then, CAREFULLY, puree the garbanzos in a blender or deep food processor.


When the pasta is done, drain it & return it to the pan you cooked it in.  Add the pureed garbanzos, the remaining two minced garlic cloves, the chopped tomatoes, lemon juice, cheese & parsley to the pasta & stir to blend.  Add S&P to taste.  Serve with extra grated cheese & chopped parsley or basil and a few whole garbanzos.  Devour.

