Spicy Red Thai Curry Mac and Cheese – Baked or Stove-top – Vegan or Not

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All Photos © Christine Elise McCarthy 2014

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Apologies for the large gaps in my posts recently.  Alas – I was offered a “real job” and I took it.  I am working in post production as a story assistant on an Esquire TV show called Best Bars in America.


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In fact – I have to leave for work in 30 minutes so let me just get right down to this AWESOME & easy recipe.

The curry flavor is not overwhelming and neither is the spicy – though you could adjust these higher – if you wanted.

I used almond milk, real butter, real cheese & coconut milk.  You can sub out the coconut milk with more milk – if you hate the coconut essence in Thai food.  You could also use vegan butter & cheese substitutes – if you are so inclined.

I baked mine because I like the crunchy bits but this can be eaten right out of the pot – no baking required.  Whatever way you decide to go – I really hope you try this.   It is addictive!

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Spicy Red Thai Curry Mac and Cheese – Baked or Stove-top – Vegan or Not

Feeds a lot – 4-6 (or more if you serve other things with it)


1 lb pasta – cooked al dente & drained

8 oz pepper or Monterey Jack cheese – grated (or vegan alternative – I recommend Field Roast’s Chao slices)

8 oz cheddar cheese – grated (or vegan alternative – I recommend Field Roast’s Chao slices)

5 TBS butter  (or vegan alternative)

5 TBS flour

1 (14 oz) can lite coconut milk

3 cups almond (or other) milk (or 5 cups – if you are not using coconut milk)

4 oz Thai red curry paste

1/4 cup Sweet Thai chili sauce (very, very optional – so if you cannot find it – blow it off)

2+ TBS sriracha (more or less – according to your tolerance to heat) – optional

1-2 cups panko (or other bread crumbs) – only if baking – optional

Cilantro as garnish


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Cook, drain & set aside the pasta.

If baking – heat the over to 350.

Melt the butter over med-high heat & whisk in the flour.  It should absorb very quickly & become thick pretty quickly.  Whisk in the curry paste & then whisk in the milk in increments of about a cup & let it thicken each time before adding more milk.  In about 5 minutes – you should have a thick & creamy sauce.  If you are using sriracha and/or the chili sauce – whisk those in now.  Season with S&P.

Now – in a large bowl – mix the sauce, pasta & cheeses.   If you are going stove-top – you can do this all in the same pan – assuming you used a large enough pot.

Stir well to incorporate everything & then either heat it through on the stove and serve with cilantro or – if baking – treat a large casserole dish with cooking spray & put the mix in there.  Top a drizzle or sriracha (optional) and with panko & spray that with some cooking spray (it helps it brown).  I added some red peppers on top as decoration.

Heat for about 30 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly & the breadcrumbs are browning.

Serve with cilantro & enjoy!!!!

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