DDD #100!!!! – And Now For Something Completely Different!


All Photos © Christine Elise McCarthy 2018

To see images of my past posts & get links to the recipes – look on my Pinterest board – HERE.

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All my posts now have a VERY customizable PRINT & PDF option.  Create a PDF & save the recipe to your computer or print it out.  It offers a “remove images” option & you can delete any part of the post you do not need before printing.  The button is below by the Twitter & Facebook links.


Because I posted a 1 year retrospective on that anniversary in ep. 86. – here is something completely different!  Click the image below to watch & please subscribe!  And THANK YOU for watching my 100th episode!






MY BOOK!!!!!!! Kindle version is for sale now. Paperback, Nook etc should be available by next week!

BATHING & THE SINGLE GIRL is the smutty, mercilessly irreverent and laugh-out-loud funny debut novel by actress Christine Elise McCarthy.  Inspired by her one-woman short film of the same name, it’s the kind of novel Jonathan Ames might write if he’d dropped out of college and had been working as an actress in Hollywood for the last 20 years.

The life of an actress in LA isn’t all glamour, money, and bedding rock stars.  Sometimes it’s more about humiliation, red wine hangovers, and the bad decisions they fuel.  Ruby Fitzgerald has barely worked in years, not that anyone remembers her for anything but her short stint on a long-canceled but iconic TV show.  But that was back when her career prospects seemed on the upswing — longer ago that Ruby cares to admit, and awkward sex with regrettable partners is doing nothing to take the edge off. Everything once functional in her house is going on strike, but the unemployment checks barely cover the mortgage, and a self-respecting girl needs to be able to pay her bar tab — so repairs are on hold.  One more bubble bath and a few more cocktails.  A gal can always get responsible tomorrow.

With everything mounting against her, a cranky and increasingly despairing Ruby will have to find out if her life’s larger indignities are the result of bad luck, or a chronically bad attitude.  What follows is a walking tour of the hilarious depths you can sink to if you stop exercising your best judgment.


Christine Elise McCarthy has been acting professionally for 25 years and is recognized primarily for her roles as U4EA-popping bad girl, Emily Valentine, on Beverly Hills, 90210, as Harper Tracy on ER, and as Kyle, the gal who killed Chucky in Child’s Play 2.  She has also appeared in recurring roles on China BeachIn the Heat of the Night, and Tell Me You Love Me.  Among her other film roles are Abel Ferrara’s Body Snatchers and two films starring Viggo Mortensen: Vanishing Point and Boiling Point.  

As a writer, she has written three episodes of Beverly Hills, 90210 as well as characters and storylines for the series, a pilot that was optioned by Aaron Spelling, and comical true-life essays that she performed at the Upright Citizens Brigade and Naked Angels theaters in LA.  She maintains an irreverent food porn blog called
www.DelightfulDeliciousDelovely.com for which she provides recipes, photographs and sometimes shares details of the triumphs and, more frequently, the humiliations of her own life. She has a great passion for photography (www.MyPinUpArt.com) and has shown her pin-up and decaying Americana imagery in the United States & Paris.  She has been on the selection committee of Michigan’s Waterfront Film Festival since its inception in 1999, she is co-director of the Victoria Texas Independent Film Festival, programs for the Self-Medicated Film Festival and The Lady Filmmakers Film Festival, and consults & judges for many others.  Her directorial debut, Bathing & the Single Girl, was accepted into over 100 film festivals and won 20 awards.

Bathing & the Single Girl, inspired by the short film, is her debut novel.

Check out the award winning short film – www.BathingandtheSingleGirlFilm.com

Check out her Bathing & the Single Girl playlist on Spotify

Follow her on Facebook –www.facebook.com/christine.elise.mccarthy and

Follow her on Twitter – www.twitter.com/celisemccarthy

Follow her on Pinterest – www.pinterest.com/foodpornsite

Follow her on Instagram – www.instagram.com/christineelisemccarthy

Follow her acting career – www.christineelisemccarthy.com

Spicy Ground Beef Taco Pasta – Vegan, Vegetarian – or Not!


All Photos © Christine Elise McCarthy 2013

To see images of my past posts & get links to the recipes – look on my Pinterest board – HERE.

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All my posts now have a VERY customizable PRINT & PDF option.  Create a PDF & save the recipe to your computer or print it out.  It offers a “remove images” option & you can delete any part of the post you do not need before printing.  The button is below by the Twitter & Facebook links.


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This is Hamburger Helper level easy & surprisingly yummy.  It can be made with real ground beef or a vegan variety like this from Trader Joe’s:


I found this brand to be a very convincing fake ground beef.

You can make this with real cheese or vegan cheese – or no cheese at all as it really doesn’t need it.

But before I get into THAT – I want to get into THIS!


I wrote a novel!  Yes, yes – I did!  It is currently in production & should become available through online outlets (like Amazon) sometime after mid-January.  Just in time for Valentine’s Day!  So all you bitter kiddies out there can read the HILARIOUS love misfortunes of the heroine – Ruby Fitzgerald.  Buy the book & curl up with it & a box of wine & get ready to read the FUNNIEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN.  Yes.  I used those words.  I am very confident that anyone who reads of the alcohol-driven, bad decision making of Ruby Fitzgerald WILL laugh – literally out loud – several times.

OK – back to food.  This is tasty & easy & excellent comfort food when you want to throw something together fast.


Spicy Ground Beef Taco Pasta – Vegan, Vegetarian – or Not!

Serves 2


1/2 lb dry pasta (but not Barilla brand – as they are homophobic)

12 oz ground beef (vegan or otherwise)

1 onion – diced

1 bell pepper (mine was orange) – diced

1 jalapeno – seeded & diced

Olive oil

1 10 oz can Rotel (or other diced tomato – or fresh tomato diced)

1 7 oz can chiles (or to taste) – chopped

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp chipotle chili powder (or cayenne)

1 TBS dry oregano

For garnish

scallions – sliced

fresh cilantro

Fresh tomato – diced


Sliced jalapeno

Grated cheese – vegan or otherwise





Cook the pasta according to directions.  Drain & set aside.

If using real meat – cook it up in a skillet & set aside.

Otherwise – heat a TBS or two of olive oil in a frying pan.  Saute the onion, jalapeno, bell pepper & green chiles until soft over medium heat.  Add the Rotel & the meat (vegan beef or cooked ground beef) and the dry spices.  Heat through.




Add the pasta & stir to incorporate.  Serve with garnishes of your choice.  See?  EASY!

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